Have you ever felt the urge to enthusiastically hug someone or something with a running start? This is what is known as a Tacklehug and it is exactly this response I hope to evoke in you every time you see a one of my individually designed products.
I also offer private art classes to students aged between 4-13 years of age (if you are in the Adelaide area!)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'm not into Halloween at all, especially kids who knock on the door, not even dressed up, expecting a treat!  It's really not an Australian "thing" and we certainly haven't encouraged our kids to make a big fuss of it.  That said, these are possibly the coolest looking spiders I have ever seen, discovered here at Not Martha.
I just might have to try this next weekend to give the kids a thrill for a dessert treat!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Art Attack of the Giant Icecreams!!!

The sunshine came out for a wonderful art class today.  Many thanks to Ms A who let us use her beautiful backyard to create our monster icecreams.  As you can see, the sparkles and jewels were completely overdone and demands for MORE GLITTER PLEASE were hard to keep up with!  In the end, some delicious icecream combinations were created!  I really think Master B should have stuck with his original plan of squished worm icecream. 

 Happy Birthday to Master W, the cupcakes were a complete hit.

 3 year old with scissors, cutting skills were supreme!  Amazing Miss I.

I was blown away that these 4, 5 and 6 year olds knew which primary colours to mix to make green and orange.  Wonderful.

Hooray for some real icecream.  Just because they hadn't had enough sugar.......sorry mums, dads and nannys!
All in all, a great session, the children were really well behaved and I hope they all had a bit of fun.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dawn Tan Icecreams!

Since reading Frankie magazine I have discovered an amazing artist by the name of Dawn Tan.  I have contacted Dawn to ask permission to use this wonderful Giant Icecream idea in some of my own art classes, and as she said Yes!  Hooray!! (Thank you SO much Dawn).

I have tried it out on Charlie and Sam.  They absolutely LOVED making their giant banana, caramel and choc chip (with sparkly star topping) icecream.  Only problem is, it doesn't taste too good.  I'm running some holiday classes and may just incorporate this idea into the lessons!  If it's sunny, I'll have to remember to bring some real icecream and cones to eat while the paint is drying.  Shhh, don't tell the kids, or the mums and dads for that matter!
I really loved Charlie's idea of making it drip in the summer sun!  Here is the finished product:
Yummmo, almost good enought to eat!  

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lettuce, Leek and Celery

Our lettuce, leek and celery, all growing so well in our little patch.  The lettuce has been abundant, and the celery looks so good I almost don't want to pick it!  The leeks are also growing well.  We have just been given a whole lot of strawberries and some more carrots which also seem to be happy!

Sunflowers and Smiles

My boys in the vegie garden, thrilled that Charlie's sunflowers are taller than them all! While Gracie looks on quietly from the security of the cubby house!...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sam's 4th birthday

We survived Sam's birthday party last Saturday, complete with 12 home made hobby horses for the kids to play with.  I found this amazing blog last week, and was inspired to do something similar, check out Hetty's (lightbluegrey blog)  horses (complete with other fantastic ideas) here.  It was nice to make an effort for our little 4 year old as he has missed out on having a big fuss made of him over the last few years due to moving house and last year the twins were only a few weeks old at this stage.  So it was Sam's turn to take centre stage and he and his lovely friends had a ball in the back yard with a few traditional games thrown in too. The horses were a big hit as was the "treasure hunt" to find them, we asked my sister to hide them around the backyard while pass the parcel was in progress, then the kids were told about 12 hiding horses in the backyard which they had to find!!! Madness and mayhem followed, with much excitement also and luckily the imaginative hiding places were all discovered and the kids went galloping off!
We are also blessed to have the best next door neighbour who can facepaint!!! Thanks to the lovely Vikki who met every 4 year old demand that was thrown her way.
Miss E feeding her horse some lunch.